[ROM] [4.1.2] [LSN] Disaster ROM v11 **30 APR** + DisasterROMControl

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 30 April 2013 0 komentar


there s no alien implementation, won t make your coffee and won t solve your relationship problems.

As every LSJ based rom ('til now) has two bugs: battery don t last a whole day if u play at andry birds, and lockscreen sometimes freezes when wifi is on, but this may happen because it s winter time

Feel free to advice more features, but please no requests for theming, i follow my own theming line.

-based on Samsung jelly bean offical XWLSN, XWLSD XWLS8 and leaked LSJ 4.1.2 
-modem LQ6 (no draining battery)

-philz kernel (thanks to him!)


flash this rom at your own risk, backup first because you will lose your datas

Installation guide is on 2nd post

Feature list:




Separated button to show-hide toggles

Included Got-IT! read thread here

no more messy folders

more to come


statusbar color

non increasing ringtone toggleable

moved all to Disaster ROM Control


General & framework
Rebased on LSD
fixed su
jeboo kernel v1.3
implemented new homebutton lagfix
deleted some unused code
edge zoom is here again (toggleable)

no end call delay
began some internal work to implement in future

Edge zoom toggleable

fixed in mms time a little bug (typo)

video player
live thumbnails again

Mods for XXLS8 See more Here



Older feature:

What comes more with V8 :

based on LS8



Kernel Jeboo v1.2a


customizable date and clock action for simple click and longclick on expanded status bar

customizable clock color and position (center right)

hide/show toggles with simple click on settings button (longpress will open settings)

added wifi AP toggle


moved battery customization in battery section

added clock customization in clock settings

added power menu section (control power menu + shortcut to open power saving + set auto power off)

added change DPI in display settings (in beta phase, change only dpi not tablet/phaplet/phone mode)

added Smart network in "more settings" (not tested at 100% waiting for feedbacks)

added lg like lockscreen with clock on off support

General & framework:

added screen capture on power menu

wifi ap shortcut is not a toggle, no more shortcut.

fixed typo in 4 way to reboot

removed "more" from power menu


t flash syiah kernel b3, will break videoplayer, will make always turn
on backkeylights, will break wifi direct (not tested b4 thou)

I guess there are all previous features, but i may have forgot something, so feel free to report what s missing

this rom is a wipe version, and wipe is strongly required so don t mess with updater script please.

what comes more with V7 

general & framework & fixes

crt flicker fixed

multiwindows reworked

volume rocker mod now supports radio FM (skip stations) and all the 3rdy part apps i tried (google music, double twist included)

increased volume rocker timeout

fixed minute minder feature in phone

in settings:

launcher section to customize tw ux launcher, set autorotation, page loop, page indicator, scrolling wallpaper (no reboot needed)

in settings/sound:

toggle to disable volume rocker mod

in settings/display:

crt off toggle

edge zoom toggle

battery section (choose your favourite battery from: only icon, only text, icon+text, battery bar, circle battery and no battery!)

settings/about device:

removed addon section

about disaster rom is now accessible by pressing "developed by"

restyled aokp like

added androidiani italian forum thread quicklink

added android-hilfe germanforum thread quicklink


now u will get real time stamp for received sms/mms


now clock on status bar expanded can be clicked to open clock app, and longclicked to open calendar app

settings button support longpress (longpress will act like torch toggle, so u can replace torch toggle with another toggle u like)

Blue is what comes more with V6

-CRT off

-Control Power Menu

-Added hotspot shortcut to Power Menu

-Up to 5 icon shortcut on Circle/Ripple/Ink lockscreen

-Clock and Weather support for AOSP Lockscreen (toggleable)

-Removed weather logo (accuweather logo)

-Toggle for torch on lockscreen

-Media scanner patch included

-Syiah kernel v6 b3 (didn t test b4 yet)

-Addon room lead directly to download, no internet pages

-Modem reverted to LS6

-Disabled and removed toggle for help text on lockscreen

-Reverted to stock gallery, note2 one seems too laggy (you can download from theme app section)

-Launcher supports system autorotation (so if u disable autorotation launcher will stay on portrait)

-Added shutter sound menu on camera

-Enabed second function on keyboard

-volume up in videorecording will stop-save-and close camera app (so i can do video to me and my girl using volume buttons)

-i hope i listed all 

red is what comes more with V5.5 

-Perfect ink effect

-fixed "ok" button in ink effect preview

-fixed airplane mode string mismatching

-multilanguage colors in ink effect preview (italian, spanish, korean, english) (i used google translate, so if something is wrong -send me translations for your language to add or debug existing ones)

-Now wallpaper scrolls in homescreen

-removed suggestion strings on empty workspace into launcher

-fixed some issue with "answer calls using home button"

-added note2 gallery

-added addon room into "about disaster" section (to download requested mod by YOU, and some beta mod when will be ready)

  bolded is what comes more with V5

torch on lockscreen

torch toggle

airplane mode toggle

do not disturb toggle

sms and phone shortcut added to aosp lockscreen

bypassed dialog for data toggle

bypassed dialog for airplane mode toggle

usb mass storage connection by default

fixed screenshot notification text

What comes with V4.1:Fixed the USB connection came with V4 (sorry)

No lockscreen freeze (thanks to Goldieking)

bolded is what comes more with V4

-Ink effect lockscreen

-Toggle to choose AOSP lockscreen

-Better camcorder media profile

-Volume down as start button for video recording

-Bypassed all battery level securities (play music, videos, take photos, videos with flash, do as u desire until phone shut down)

-Removed low battery dialogs

-Fixed reappearing status bar brightness slider on unchecked notification panel menu

-autoscrolling toggles speed set from 700ms to 500ms (personal taste, looks better)

-added a more link into "about disaster" section

-removed incall screen autorotation for the moment (had no time to add a toggle for it, i ll do for the next one)

-fixed home button behaviour on wake (thanks to salesale)

-removed hacked gmail with pinch to zoom, u can download the official one (much better) via google play

-i may forgot something, u will forgive me

-Notification Panel (edit your toggles!)

-Fixed homebutton lag mod

-brand new "about disaster rom" section in phone info

-no mms / sms conversion limit

-send mms sms up to 2000 contacts

-autorotating incall screen

-removed 4way rotation

-longpress back to kill


-bypassed kill all dialog in jobmanager

-volume down as shutter in camera*

-animated video player thumbnails

-removed "me" on contacts until a google+ account is configured

-larger photos in quickcontact badges

-larger photo profiles in contacts

-better layouts for tab updates and non in contacts

-No homebutton lag (thou double tap feature is untouched)

-Extended power menu (thanks to khavitahra)

-More toggles (smart stay, airplane mode, driving mode, notifications)

-ripple lockscreen and circle lockscreen

-Skip songs with volume rocker (FM will be supported in next releases)

-smart rotation

-4 icons shortcut on lockscreen

-non increasing ringtone

-call recording

-enabled extra volume in calling

-adobe flash support

-pinch to zoom Gmail.apk 

more to come

Mods for XXLSJ See more Here

*if u press volume up u can manage zoom buttons normally.



DisasterROM_V11 is a wipe rom, make a backup if possible.

DevHost Download

DisasterROM_V10 is a NO wipe mini pack, install it only over v9

DevHost Download


DisasterROM_V9 is a wipe rom, make a buckup if possible.

DevHost Download


Download DevHost

MD5 Sum: fbd12b249bc86d1b14198323685cb021


Download DevHost

tick and untick torch toggle, in lockscreen settings after installation.


Download DevHost


Download (DevHost)



Mirror DevHost

Mirror google drive





mirror DevHost provided by ApriliaM3





Mirror provided by antonio1475 (thanks to him!)

Mirror DevHost provided by ApriliaM3 (thanks to him!)





Mirror thanks to Malavan




wipe data is always required for a perfect installation

-put zip into SD

-go in recovery

-wipe data/factory reset

-install zip


-first boot may take up to 4/5 minutes, relax


jarari2, LegendK95, shoman94 , goldieking (notification panel help), P.toti, mythrandir, kavithara

add/enable multiwindown on rom DiasterRom v8


Flash with CWM

Mod does not affect any other functionality of the rom

Link version fix 

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PayPal, Payment Method in Google Play?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 April 2013 0 komentar
There are multiple payment options in Google Play, from credit and debit cards to carrier billing and gift cards, but PayPal isn't one of them. Google Wallet competes with PayPal and this could be one of the reasons why you can't use PayPal in Google Play.

Despite this, some Google Wallet JavaScript files that are used in Google Play include many references to PayPal. For example, PayPal is placed next to Maestro, Automated Clearing House (ACH), proxy cards and carriers like Sprint, Softbank and Vodafone. Google's code also mentions PayPal UUIDs, which are used by the PayPal Merchant API, and there's a function named "onRedirectToPayPalPopup". There's also an error message: "PAYPAL_INSTRUMENT_ERROR" next to messages like "GIFT_CARD_ALREADY_REDEEMED" and "INVALID_CREDIT_CARD".

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Google Now for iOS

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Google Now is finally available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It's not a standalone application, it's just a new feature of the Google Search app.

Google Now for iOS has most of the features from Google's Android app and plenty of customization options that aren't available in the Android app. There aren't many missing cards: research topics, activity summary and events nearby.

I was surprised to see that Google added a lot of settings that let you tweak each card. For example, you can customize the traffic card and decide when it appears and the transportation mode for commutes and other trips.

Since most Google Now cards use location data, it's obvious that Google wants to update your location even when you're not using the app. "Location Reporting helps Google Now show you cards related to traffic alerts, directions, and more. Turning on Location Reporting allows Google to periodically access your location data, even when an app is not in use. If you have Location History enabled, reported locations are stored in your Location History. (...) Since Location Reporting has been optimized to use GPS as infrequently as possible, there should be minimal impact on your battery life." Location Reporting can be disabled from the app's settings section, while Location History can be disabled from the Google Latitude site.

It's interesting to notice that Google Now for iOS is placed less prominently, at the bottom of the screen. You need to swipe up to see the cards. Google Search for iOS doesn't show notifications yet, so you need to constantly open the application to see the new information.

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No More Quick View in Google Search

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 25 April 2013 0 komentar
The latest Google Search update removed a very useful feature: quick view. The link was displayed next to PDF files and Microsoft Office files and allowed you to open them in the Google Drive Viewer.

Here's how Google described Quick View: "Annoyed by pop ups requesting you to download a specific software or plugin to visualize a document? Google Docs allows you to view any document directly from the search results without requiring any plugins. Just search for a document, for example [white paper on cloud computing] and then click on 'Quick View' to see the document in Google Docs."

If you don't want to download the file, you can click the green arrow and select "cached", but this shows a text-only version of the document that doesn't preserve formatting.

Please note that the feature has nothing to do with the "quick view" for mobile phones.

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Chrome Viewer for Microsoft Office Documents

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Last year, Google acquired Quickoffice, a mobile app for editing Microsoft Office files. The app is still available and it's not free. It's probably the only mobile Google app that's not free (there's a free version for Google Apps for Business users).

Google started to port Quickoffice to Chrome OS, first as a Microsoft Office viewer. Now the Office viewer is available as an extension for Chrome. It requires at least Chrome 27.0.1453.65 for Windows and Mac, so you can use it if you have Chrome Beta, Chrome Dev Channel, Chrome Canary or a recent Chromium build.

The extension lets you open Microsoft Office files that have the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx. It looks just like the PDF viewer, but it doesn't work as well yet probably because it's still in beta. Some files don't load, text selection doesn't work for presentations and zooming some documents sends you to a different page.

But why not open these files using Google Drive apps? Why not use the Google Drive Viewer? They're great options, but the Chrome Office Viewer is better than the Google Drive Viewer because it doesn't convert files to images. Opening files using Google Drive apps like Google Docs or Google Sheets takes more time: the files need to be downloaded and then converted to the Google Drive format. Another explanation: "Quickoffice has an established track record of enabling seamless interoperability with popular file formats" and this is especially important for business users. The viewer works offline, so Chromebook users can open Office files from a USB flash drive even when they don't have an Internet connection.

To test the extension, search Google for [fileype:doc essay], [fileype:ppt internet history], [fileype:xls gdp].

{ via Chrome Blog }

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Google Chat in Google Docs

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Do you remember the post about the animal icons from Google Drive? They're only displayed for anonymous users ("people who are not given explicit access"). For everyone else, Google will show the Google Profile photo and link to the Google+ page.

There's also a group chat feature powered by Google Talk/Chat. It's a simplified version of the chat feature from Gmail, Google+, iGoogle and orkut. There's only one chat box that lets you talk with the other signed-in users that edit or just view a document, presentation or any other file. For some reason, it doesn't work in Google Sheets/Spreadsheets.

"To begin a group chat with everyone viewing the document, click the Chat button, which you'll find in the top-right corner of your window. A chat box will appear at the bottom of your file, and everyone who's viewing the document and who's signed in with a Google account will be included in the group chat," explains Google.

The group chat feature from Google Drive doesn't support voice or video chat, conversations aren't saved in Gmail and they're not available in other services that use Google Chat. "If you've chatted in Gmail and Google+, you may have noticed that a chat started in Gmail will carry over into Google+, and vice versa. The same isn't true for chats in Google Drive. Chats you start in Google Drive won't carry over into other Google products, and chats you start in other products won't appear in Google Drive."

{ via Google Drive Blog }

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Customized Spinners in Android

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 24 April 2013 0 komentar

See more basics on Android along with interview questions

The Android Spinner Control is definitely the equivalent of the drop-down selector . By making use of spinner control you basically obtain the capability to choose from a list without taking up all of the display screen space of a ListView.

Spinners provide a quick way to select one value from a set. In the default state, a spinner shows its currently selected value. Touching the spinner displays a dropdown menu with all other available values, from which the user can select a new one.

You can add a spinner to your layout with the Spinner object. You should usually do so in your xml layout with a  <spinner>  element. For example:
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Here we are going to deal with Customized Spinners.Here we go with java code samples.

in java file:
public class Custom_spinner extends Activity {
String[] data1 = { "Java", "Android","Blackberry", "Apple", "Windows" };

String[] data2 = { "Developed by Sun Microsystems", "Android is a Linux-based operating system",
"Designed and marketed by Research In Motion Limited ","Designed and marketed by Apple Inc"
,"developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft."};

Integer[] images = { R.drawable.java, R.drawable.android,
R.drawable.blackberry, R.drawable.apple, R.drawable.windows };

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Spinner mySpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner1);
mySpinner.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(this, R.layout.cus_row, data1));

public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> {

public MyAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId,
String[] objects) {
super(context, textViewResourceId, objects);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView,
ViewGroup parent) {
return getCustomView(position, convertView, parent);

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
return getCustomView(position, convertView, parent);

public View getCustomView(int position, View convertView,
ViewGroup parent) {

LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();//inflate xml for each row
View row = inflater.inflate(R.layout.cus_row, parent, false);
TextView label = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.textView1);

TextView sub = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.textView2);

ImageView icon = (ImageView) row.findViewById(R.id.imageView1);

return row;
} }}

in custom_spinner.xml (main xml file) :
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:padding="10dp" >

in cus_row.xml (inflated xml file) :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:padding="3dip" >

android:orientation="horizontal" >

android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" >

android:paddingLeft="70dp" >

android:textStyle="bold" >

android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

@drawable/purple.xml :

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New Drop-Down Menu for Google Search Results

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Google now shows a green arrow icon next to search results URLs. Click the arrow and you'll get a drop-down menu with up to three options: cached, similar and share. Google tested a different interface for the drop-down menu a few weeks ago.

Until now, Google only displayed the "share" link next to the results, while "cached" and "similar" were buried in the Instant Preview box. Instant Preview is no longer available.

Bing has a similar feature and Google probably decided to test it and see if it works well. Before accusing Google of copying a Bing feature, it's a good idea to check Bing's interface and see that it looks a lot like Google Search.

Here's a Bing vs Google screenshot for [ny times]:

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Google Removes Related Searches Option

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Back in 2009, Google added a sidebar with advanced search options like wonder wheel, timeline, sites with images, recent results and related searches (intially called "search suggestions"). Many of these features are no longer available, but there are some new features that have been added since then: verbatim, dictionary, visited pages.

Google has recently removed the related searches feature because few people used it. Don't confuse this feature with the regular related searches that are displayed below the search results. "We weren't seeing enough usage of this filter to maintain it in the toolbar, but we do display related searches at the bottom of the page when they seem relevant enough," explains Google.

Here's a screenshot from 2009 (licensed as Creative Commons by Search Engine Land):

"Related searches" allowed you to quickly check the results for similar queries. "If you're ever unsure about the precise terms you should use for your search, start out with a broader term then use the related searches tool to discover alternative search terms," explained Google. It was also used by SEOs to generated lists of related keywords.

The Google blog post from 2009 included the following video which shows a lot of features that are no longer available (review search, sentiment analysis snippets, longer snippets, wonder wheel, timeline, dictionary auto-linking, SearchWiki):

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YouTube's Homepage Carousel UI

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When you're signed in, YouTube's homepage now has a carousel interface similar to the new design for channels. The "what to watch" section groups recent videos from your subscriptions, recommended videos and now also shows popular videos from some of your subscriptions. For music artists, YouTube links to a playlists that includes their top tracks.

The new interface is more compact, it shows more videos, you can easily ignore recommendations and prolific channels can't "spam" your homepage. Unfortunately, you can no longer remove videos from the homepage, quickly unsubscribe from channels or see the videos you've previously watched. These features are only available in the "my subscriptions" page, which still has the old interface.

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A Bogus DMCA Takedown Request (Part 4)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 23 April 2013 0 komentar
This is the last article from the series. I've received a bogus DMCA complaint, filed a counter claim, which was rejected by Google. Then I've contacted a member of the band who sent the DMCA complaint. He admitted that it was sent by mistake and promised to contact Google.

Today I got a message from Google which informed me that "We received an email from the complainant officially rescinding their complaint against your blog. We have reinstated your content located at http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2008/02/lyrics-for-youtube-music-videos.html. The post in question has been reverted to draft. Please log into your blog and republish at your convenience."

The post is back online. I know it's obsolete, but at least it hasn't been removed by a DMCA complaint sent by mistake.

If you ever receive a similar DMCA notice, contact the owner of the site or his team and explain your issue. You'll probably find a contact form, an email address, a Facebook/Twitter/Google+ page. If not, a WHOIS lookup should help.

Thanks to everyone who helped me fix this issue and special thanks to James Trimble from the band Inspection 12 and +Thomas P. TechDirt has recently posted an article about this and its conclusion is that "the real culprit is the DMCA itself, which is constantly pushing companies like Google in this regrettable direction, and makes it all too easy for rightsholders like Inspection 12 to abuse the law".

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How Accurate Is Browser Market Share Data?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
It's really hard to get accurate browser stats. Some companies report the number of active users, others report the total number of users and there are many web analytics companies that report conflicting market share data.

Net Market Share is a service that collects data from "HitsLink Analytics and SharePost clients." Net Market Share explains that "the network includes over 40,000 websites, and spans the globe. We 'count' unique visitors to our network sites, and only count one unique visit to each network site per day. This is part of our quality control process to prevent fraud, and ensure the most accurate portrayal of Internet usage market share."

I tried to compare this information with the data obtained from browser vendors. Probably the most transparent company is Opera, at least when it comes to the mobile browsers. Every month, Opera reports the number of users for Opera Mini and Opera Mobile.

Here's the data from May 2012 to February 2013:

Opera Mini users (million)
HitsLink market share (mobile browsers)

And here are two charts that illustrate the data:

Obviously, there are many factors that influence market share: maybe the number of mobile users grows, maybe there are other browsers that become popular. Still, the two charts show completely different trends. For example:

- from May to June 2012, the number of Opera Mini users increased with 4 million, but the market share dropped from 12.43% to 10.45%
- from June to July 2012, the number of Opera Mini users increased with 4.7 million, but the market share dropped from 10.45% to 9.32%
- from December 2012 to January 2013, the number of Opera Mini users increased with 7 million, but the market share dropped from 10.71% to 9.84%.
- from January to February 2013, the number of Opera Mini users decreased with 8 million, but the market share grew from 9.84% to 12.72%.

StatCounter reports different data: Opera's mobile market share continously dropped from May 2012 (21.9%) to February 2013 (15.4%). StatCounter's report shows that the Android browser is more popular than the Mobile Safari, while Net Market Share's data shows that Safari Mobile is 3 times more popular than the Android browser. It's important to mention that StatCounter measures pageviews, not unique visitors.

Opera's reports include a chart of the number of Opera Mini pageviews, which increased from 113.8 billion in May 2012 to 147.1 billion in February 2013:

If Opera's data and StatCounter's data are both accurate, then the total number of mobile pageviews almost doubled from May 2012 to February 2013.

What about the data from a popular site like Wikipedia? "Wikimedia traffic analysis reports are based on server logs of about 4 billion page requests per month, based on the user agent information that accompanied the requests. These server logs cover requests to all the Wikimedia Foundation projects, including Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikiversity and others." Wikimedia data for October 2012 shows that only 6.4% of the mobile requests were from Opera Mini users.

According to Clicky, Opera Mini's market share is only 3-4%. "Marketshare is calculated from nearly 500 million daily page views across the 500,000+ web sites that use Clicky Web Analytics."

As you can see, these stats are completely different. StatCounter is the only service which reports that Android's browser is more popular than Mobile Safari and UC Browser's market share is 8-10%. Opera Mini's market share is anywhere from 3% to 15%, depending on the service you use.

It's interesting that Opera's presentations include data from StatCounter. A recent presentation mentions that Opera's mobile browsers have "50 million Android users" and Opera has "10% browser market share" (probably Android market share).

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The Best Mob Anti-Theft Application for Android Phone Owners

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Mob Anti-Theft is the worlds greatest advanced and with exclusive appearance anti-stolen and device tracking app for Android phones. It has many dynamic and amazing features.

Some time you forgot your android phone in a restaurant, café or some other places has lost it. You are lucky if you have Mob Anti-Theft android appwhich can help you to find your stolen Android phone.
This is phone locator Application for android phone , Mob Anti-Theft  app is send alert/notification SMS when thief insert other SIM card in your android device. This Android phone app allows users to point a stolen or lost Android phone location via the phone's GPS or through GSM triangulation.


·         After stolen your android phone :-
                            This Application can sent SMS text to registered contents in app from phone number of thief. When thief insert a new SIM Card in your Android mobile then you can call the thief or call police direct.

·         Get Exact location of your Android phone anywhere and anytime :-
                           You can get the exact location of your lost android mobile in real-time; you can easily track them with help of Google map. This application doesn’t require any internet connection to know location.
·     Getting SMS alert when anyone insert a new SIM Card in your Android phone :-

When thief enter his own SIM Card in your lost Android phone, Mob Anti-Theft app will detect the SIM card as new SIM and will automatically send SMS  from the new SIM Card on your registered numbers in app during installation.

·         Manage Your contact list :-

This Application will allow you to register max 3 contacts to get SMS alert, when new SIM card entered to your android phone. Android phone owner can change/alter registered contact number any time.

·         APP Security:-

This Application will allow you to add/modify details in app with pass-code only. So only Android phone owner can access stored in app.

·         Location tracking through GPS :-

Mob Anti-Theft allow to user track your android phone with the help of GPS, you can easily find out and getting exact location of your thief.

Mob Anti-Theft App will make your Android phone be protected advanced anti stolen technology.

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BroadcastReceiver for Screen On/Off in ANDROID

Posted by Unknown Senin, 22 April 2013 0 komentar
If wanted to call a broadcast for screen on/off you can get the code sniffet from here.
Here I have used dynamic calling of Broadcast and the java source code is given below.

get more details about broadcast from :
in java file:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
//Create broadcast object
BroadcastReceiver mybroadcast = new BroadcastReceiver() {

//When Event is published, onReceive method is called
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i("[BroadcastReceiver]", "MyReceiver");

Log.i("[BroadcastReceiver]", "Screen ON");
else if(intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)){
Log.i("[BroadcastReceiver]", "Screen OFF");

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

registerReceiver(mybroadcast, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON));
registerReceiver(mybroadcast, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF));

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Google Tests New Interface for Related Image Searches

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Google Image Search tests a new interface for related searches. Instead of displaying a list of thumbnails when you mouse over the related searches, this experimental interface shows a small collage of images above the queries.

Click one of the related searches and Google shows an additional box. It looks like the black box that's displayed when you click an image search result:

Here's the standard interface:

In other related news, search by subject no longer works. Hopefully, it's just a bug:

{ Thanks, Abdul. }

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Google CEO Confirms that Glass Runs on Android

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 21 April 2013 0 komentar
It's official: Google Glass is based on Android.

We kinda saw this one coming: Google Glass is based on Android. Company CEO Larry Page made the revelation during Google's 1Q13 earnings call on Thursday. Towards the end of the call (1:08), Page responded to a question about the amount of "incremental engagement" Google will see over the next several years regarding the company's products and new form factors like Glass. The questioner also asked how transportable Android will be across these new form factors.

read more:

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Swipe Navigation in the Mobile Gmail Site

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
One month ago, Google updated the Gmail app for iOS and added a swipe gesture that lets you move between conversations without having to return to the inbox. At that time, the mobile Gmail site didn't have this feature, but now it's available.

If you like to use Gmail in the mobile browser and you don't want to install a special app for Gmail, you can now swipe left or right to the previous or the next conversation. Unfortunately, this feature is more difficult to use in Chrome because Google's browser has a similar gesture for navigating between tabs. You should avoid swiping from the edge of the screen when you open mobile Gmail.

It's interesting to notice that the "swipe to archive" feature of the mobile Gmail site doesn't work in Chrome for Android, but it works in the stock browser, in Safari and Chrome for iOS.

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Outsourcing Blogger Comments to Google+

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
While Blogger's new commenting system has a lot of cool features, there's an important downside: Google+ Comments has nothing to do with Blogger.

The old comments are available in the new interface, but the new comments are not available in the old commenting system, if you decide to switch back. Blogger's comment feeds don't include the comments from the new interface, you can no longer manage comments from the Blogger dashboard and the new comments aren't included when you export your blog.

Here's the empty comment feed for a post that has a lot of comments:

When you switch to Google+ Comments, you outsource the comments to Google+, but Google+ doesn't have a section that lets you manage the comments and there's no way to export the new comments.

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How To Root Galaxy Y

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

1. DOWNLOAD update.zip here: http://www.mediafire.com/?pd1dgeiwclxr1fz
2. Copy the downloaded file to your SD.(not inside any folder)
3. BOOT your device into RECOVERY MODE
(touch screen is disabled in recovery mode "to make a selection use VOLUME KEYs and use the HOME KEY in choosing a file or task")
4. Select "apply update from SD card" then choose update.zip
(wait until patch is completed) then your going back to the recovery menu.
5. Select "reboot system now".

To know if you successfully rooted your device go to the phone's main menu and if you have the application SUPERUSER your device is rooted.

Disclaimer: this video tutorial is for educational use only and I will not be responsible to any damage to your device.. Do it on your own risk.

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Google Now for Google's Homepage in Testing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
It looks like Google Now won't be limited to Android, iOS and Chrome, it will also be added to Google's homepage. Some code from a page that's tested by Google offers more information about this feature.

"Get started with Google Now. Just the right information at just the right time." That's how Google introduces the new feature. "Google Now uses your Home location to show relevant information like weather, traffic conditions, and nearby places," explains Google. You can edit the home location, work location and the current location. Another feature lets you track your favorite stocks.

It's not clear how Google Now for desktop will look, but this screenshot reveals a possible implementation (it's from a Chrome extension developed by Google):

Here's the Google Search app interface for Android tablets (Nexus 10 gallery):

As I mentioned here, Google Now could replace some of iGoogle's functionality. Here's an early version of iGoogle from 2006:

{ Thanks, F. }

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Add Google+ Comments to Any Web Page

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Until Google launches an API for the Google+ Comments feature, you can use the code from Blogger. Browsing the Net found a way to embed Google+ Comments on any website or blog. Here's the code you could use:

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js">
<div class="g-comments"

Replace [URL] with the address of your page. If you enter the URL of a different page, Google shows some Google+ posts that link to that page and all the comments for that page. For example, if you enter the URL of this blog post, you'll see all the comments and Google+ messages from this page and you can also add a new comment.

It's important to keep in mind that this is an unofficial way to add Google+ Comments and Google can always change the code or remove some features.

{ Thanks, Jerzy. }

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Template proposals Not Working in Eclipse "No Default Proposals"

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

while we are using Eclipse we may see that the default proposal are not appearing
when we press ctrl+space.This is due to some settings changes in the

Windows/preference/java/Editor/Content Assist/Advanced

If default proposal is not appearing go to
Windows/preference/java/Editor/Content Assist/Advanced
Then you will see a window like this..

Here you can check the apprpreate check boxes (java proposals)
Then coming back you can get the default proposals pressing ctrl+space

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Use Your Own SQLite in ANDROID Application or Using 'SQLite Asset Helper' to read your own databases stored in Asset folder

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

See more basics on Android along with interview questions

See SQLite tutorial here

If you want to read your own databases in ANDROID APPLICATION, this post may help you.

You may be familiar by creating SQLite in Android use  SQLiteOpenHelper .

Here we are going to deal with using our own databases. 

I have a database named 'mydatabase.sqlite', which consist of a set of name and age of 5 students.

Suppose I want to view the database, I can use SQLite database browser which you can download from here.
                                                  download browser.....

Through this browser we can view the databases, can even modify delete or create a new one.
'mydatabase.sqlite' with name and age of five students is browsed and viewed as shown below

Now  make a zip format of database and copy this database to asset/databases
Also copy 'android-sqlite-asset-helper.jar' into the lib folder.

                                                         download jar.....

Make sure that you copy only zip format to asset folder or else it will not read database.
Now I'am going to load the database contents to a listview. The java source code is given below.

In SqliteAssetHelper.java 

public class SqliteAssetHelper extends ListActivity {

private Cursor students;
private MyDatabase db;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

db = new MyDatabase(this);
students = db.getEmployees(); // you would not typically call this on the main thread

ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
new String[] {"name","age"}, //table values
new int[] {android.R.id.text1,android.R.id.text2});


protected void onDestroy() {
} }
In MyDatabase.java
public class MyDatabase extends SQLiteAssetHelper {

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "mydatabase";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;

public MyDatabase(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

public Cursor getEmployees() {

SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase();
SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();

String [] sqlSelect = {"0 _id","name","age"};
String sqlTables = "mytable";

Cursor c = qb.query(db, sqlSelect, null, null,
null, null, null);

return c;

} }

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Gapless Internet and Google Fiber

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 20 April 2013 0 komentar
"A gapless album is a type of album in which some or all of the tracks are intended to be heard seamlessly without any pause. Instead of individual tracks being separated by a brief moment of silence, each transitions directly into the next track without a pause in the sound," informs Wikipedia.

Hunter Walk, a former Google employee, tries to explain why Google Fiber makes sense for Google:

When you play with it, the gap between you and Internet totally disappears. The computer is responsive in a manner that I've never experienced before. (...)

People ask me what's Google's metagame with Fiber. My guess is the following: Use Fiber to reset consumer expectations of what a connected home should feel like. Continue to drive down the cost of deployment and sign up customers for a very sticky (high LTV) service by being first to market. If existing ISPs follow - or even beat Google in some many markets - Google still wins. Why? Because as I found out personally, when the Internet is this fast you do one more search per session, watch one more video per session, send one more email per session. A connected population benefits Google.

Just like SPDY, Google DNS, PageSpeed, Google Fiber is all about making the web faster. When pages load almost instantly, interacting with the web is seamless. There's no "brief moment of silence" while waiting for the next page to load.

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Google Now Is Not Google Voice Search

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Here's something I don't understand: why do so many people confuse Google Now with Google Voice Search? There are a lot of articles that compare Google Now with Siri or claim that Google Now is a voice assistant.

Google Now is a feature of the Google Search app for Android that shows information about what's happening right now or in the near future: weather, calendar events, reservations, travel information. Try this: disable Google Now in Google's search app and you can still use voice search. After all, Google Voice Search has been available before Google Now. Google Search for iOS includes Voice Search, but it doesn't have Google Now yet.

One of the explanations why many people confuse Google Now with Google Voice Search is that Google Now and the improved Voice Search have been announced at the same time, when Jelly Bean was released. Google Now is shorter and sounds better than Google Voice Search.

Even the Wikipedia article for Google Now is inaccurate: "Google Now is an intelligent personal assistant available for Google's Android operating system. An extension of Android's native Google Search application, Google Now uses a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of web services. Along with answering user-initiated queries, Google Now passively delivers information to the user that it predicts they will want, based on their search habits."

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