Install Android 4.0.3 ICS on HP TouchPad (CyanogenMod 9)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 April 2012 0 komentar
Now i will tell you about How to Install Android 4.0.3 ICS on the HP TouchPad (CyanogenMod 9),
The CyanogenMod Touchpad Team has released CyanogenMod 9 (of course it’s based on Ice Cream Sandwich) for the HP TouchPad that is still in alpha. Some features don’t work yet unfortunately like traditional storage mounting, the camera and the microphone option. Alpha 0.5 will be out soon so most of the bugs will probably get fixed with that.

Non-working features of CM9 Alpha 0 for the TouchPad :
  • Hardware video (OMX). Consequently, Netflix won’t work and YouTube won’t play HD movies. As a temporary remedy, you can use alternative players (e.g., MXPlayer) and software codecs for viewing your local media files.
  • Audio. Microphone is not functional. Current libaudio solution will no longer be developed further in favor of CAF libaudio, which will replace the current solution.
  • Camera does not work.
  • Market filters prevent some apps from being installed. Temporary solution is to revert to standard DPI settings (e.g., 120, 160, or 240).
  • Titanium Backup crashes the kernel. This is being looked into and will most likely be resolved with latest updates to Titanium Backup.
  • Most hardware problems from CyanogenMod 7 have been carried over to CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 0 for the HP TouchPad.
  • Gapps for CyanogenMod 7 won’t work. This can be remedied by using an updated Gapps package.
  • Traditional storage mounting is not supported. ICS uses MTP or PTP for USB file transfers.

The Requirements :
Read them all carefully 

=> Your HP TouchPad must have at least 2GB of free memory on the media partition
=> Install Java on your Computer. Don’t have Java? Download Java
=> The reason you need Java is you can get Palm Novacom drivers and install them on your computer. Get the files from Here and follow the installation process.
=> Get these packages on your computer, do not extract or modify them in any way.
=> You need CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 0 for HP TouchPad Get it Here or Here.
=> ACMEInstaller2 which you can get from here.
=> ClockworkMod Recovery which you can download from Here.
=> Moboot that you can get Here. It software that allows you to choose the mode you will boot your TouchPad in.
=> The system UI and charger have issues with force closing so you can get a package that will fix this from Here.
=> Get Google Apps from Here.

Instructions :
1. Copy ACMEInstaller2 into the folder where you have Novacom installed and connect your HP TouchPad to your PC via a standard USB cable. Make sure your TouchPad is connected as a USB drive.
2. Create a folder called “cminstall” on the USB drive.
3. Now you have to copy a lot of files that you downloaded into the “cminstall”folder. Here is the list:

=> gApps 4.0.3

4. Reboot your HP Touch Pad in the following way:

=> Tap the Home button
=> Tap the arrow icon which open a list of applications.
=> Choose the Settings tab.
=> Select Device Info
=> Choose the red button titles Reset Options
=> Now tap the Restart button.

5. The screen will power down now. You should now press and hold the Volume Up key. Eventually you will
    see a big USB icon on the screen. Now your computer will try to install the necessary drivers. If you have
    installed Palm Novacom this will be an automatic process.
6. Now you must open the command prompt on your personal computer.
7. Navigate to the novacom.exe file. Remember that is located in the same place you put ACMEInstaller2 as
8. Type the following command (without the quotes) at the command prompt and press the Enterkey
    afterwards: “novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller2
9. Once this is done, the tablet will boot into Moboot.
10. Now you need to flash the charger and SystemUI package fix file as follows :

=> Turn off TouchPad and power it back on once more.
=> Once in the Moboot menu, you have to choose to boot into ClockworkMod Recovery.
=>  You will now be in the ClockworkMod Recovery menu. You must select “Install zip from SDcard,” and then locate “” which is the name of the ZIP archive of the fix you downloaded. You just have to press the Home button to start flashing it.

11. Once install is done the HP TouchePad will reboot and on the screen will appear the HP logo closley
      followed by the Moboot booting options in blue.
12. At long last just choose“Boot CyanogenMod” using the Volume keys and press the Home button to
      execute the process.

You have successfully installed CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 0 (based on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich) on your HP TouchPad.
Judul: Install Android 4.0.3 ICS on HP TouchPad (CyanogenMod 9)
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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