FIFA 2010 HD

Posted by Unknown Senin, 09 April 2012 0 komentar

I think Im going crazy about soccer,
This is my 3rd soccer game tutorial for SGY.
Well this is on of our Computer Favorite FIFA.
2010 to be accurate.
The game is certainly more interesting than the
other football games, but isn't that good in the
aspect of graphics.
Well we can handle that!
The game comes in a surprise as it doesn't need
rooting or Chainfire3D.

Tutorial -

1) Root your Galaxy Y (or equivalent QVGA device). 

For those who dont know whats rooting click here - HERE

2) Download and Install Chainfire 3D (Wont work if the phones not Rooted)
Link - HERE
3) Download Chainfire 3D plugins
Link - HERE
4) Unzip the archive in the SD card
5) Open Chainfire 3D and click on 'Install Plugin
6) The app will search for the plugins in the phone and prompt about them on the screen
7) Install all the plugins namely - libGLEMU_NVIDIA, libGLEMU_POWERVR and libGLEMU_QUALCOMM
8) Download the APK and the DATA 
APK Link - 
DATA Link - 
9) Install the game and press 'Done'
10) Name of the DATA folder will be 'com.eamobile.fifa'
11) Paste this Data folder in sdcard/data/data
12) Open Chainfire 3D and and open 'Default OpenGL Settings' and tick 'Reduce Texture Quality' and open 'Use Plugin' (Just Below the 'Reduce Texture Quality' tab) and select 'QUALCOMM'
13) Minimize Chainfire 3D
14) Open the game
15) (Most Important Step) Enjoy the game............!

Judul: FIFA 2010 HD
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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