Instant get free 25 Quality Backlink With Social Monkee

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012 0 komentar
well, in this article i will tell you about how to get free 25 quality backlink with social monkee instantly. Although some say that google panda is not need a backlink but I think it's wrong, because the truth is google panda more priority to On Page SEO and backlink still in needed.
Good if we got 25 free quality backlink every day that if we free account, if we want to be a premium we will get 100 X 3 free quality backlinks every day, for a premium there are 2 ways:

1. Bought at a price of $ 49 for a lifetime
2. Invite 12 people to register to the social Monkee with your referral link. if you've got 12 people, Your account will automatically become a premium.

It's this really interesting? we can save time and effort / energy, and we can focus to one page SEO.

How It's Work?   
with submit the article at social monkee then social monkee will spread articles that you submit to 25 web dofollow

to sign up simply enter the USER NAME, EMAIL, password, and CODE CAPTA. at this SOCIAL MONKE REGISTER and then klik confirmation link at email box or spam box

How to Submit article in social monkee?

1. Click download plugin/submit
2. Enter the form with data from the article that you want to submit :
  • URL: enter with article link that you want to submit, for example:
  • Title 1 | 2 | 3: enter title of a blog article that will submit, for example: {how to get backlink|get free backlink|how to use social monkee}
  • Description 1 | 2 | 3: fill with the description of the blog article, for example: {at social monkee we will get free 25 backling every day but if your account is premium you can get 300 every day|in this article we will discuse about how to use social monkee it's easy to get quality backlink that can up your page rank blog|for learn more about social monkee you can klik}
  • Tags 1 | 2 | 3: fill with the tag that you want, for example: {SEO|Free Backlink|blogging}
  • Category: choose the appropriate category with you article 
3. Click "Submit to 25 sites" to submit your blog article to SocialMonkee.

To chek do your article has been spread :
  •  Click Report 
  • At the bottom will appear list link that has been successful submit, click View Report
SIGN UP WITH MY REFERRAL and  you will get 50 quality backlink for 1 week.
and if you sign up with my referral! i will give you some ebook for free about SEO., comment below if you has been sign up with my referral 

Judul: Instant get free 25 Quality Backlink With Social Monkee
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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