Know where to go, stay up-to-date and more with Google Calendar

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 04 Desember 2013 0 komentar

When life gets busy, you rely on your calendar to keep track of what you need to do and where you need to be. And to help you stay on top of things, Google Calendar is getting a bunch of improvements, just in time for the extra busy holiday season!

Know where to go with Google Maps autocomplete

Creating events in Google Calendar is now faster with autocomplete predictions from Google Maps. Calendar will autocomplete addresses as you type so you can quickly and accurately add locations to your events.
Your friends can then simply click on the “map” link to make sure you all end up at the right place.
Instantly see relevant events as you search

Don’t know which day you’re meeting a friend for lunch? You can now instantly see relevant events and contacts as you search in Calendar so you can save time and quickly find the information you’re looking for.
Stay up-to-date with events that update as Google Groups change

You can invite a lot of people to a Calendar event by sending an invitation to a single Google Group. To help your calendar stay up-to-date with group changes, event guest lists will now automatically update as people join or leave a group. This way you don’t have to worry about missing any events organized by a new group you joined or having your calendar filled with events that no longer matter.

Judul: Know where to go, stay up-to-date and more with Google Calendar
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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